DECAPOD Feeding the World Sustainably

Feeding the World Sustainably

Pure Norwegian Live Crab

Unmatched Taste

Our crab hotel allows for a carefully monitored environment and feed cycle.

Full of Meat

Our feeding technoligies and methods ensure maximum meat content.

Reliable Delivery all Year Round

Traditional fishing results in insufficient availability and quality due to seasonal variation.

Identification, Tracking, and Health Monitoring

Each crab is given a QR code, making all information easily avaible to you.

Sustainable Living

Our methoods reduce carbon footprint and food waste while increaasing animal well being.

We have been serving crabs for 35 years and have never seen a product like this.

—Huwei-Ming Yang
Executive Chef at The Ministry of Crab

In terms of health and environmental sustainability Decapod crab stands unmatched.

—Asgeir Torvaldson
Researcher at the norwegian Institute for Marine research and Professor at UIB